candles16candles's profile
  • Profile Pic
    candles16candles ♀
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  • Country
    United States
    United States
  • Real Name: Heidi ( Jesus died for ALL)
  • Location: Reno
  • Favourie TV Show God Friended me Greys anatomy Good Dr
  • Biggest Jackpot: 11, 000
  • Interests: writing my son kids family time
  • Favorite Quote: Jesus died for ALL. Not one person is more entitled then the next person nor is anyone better then anyone else @heidieaton 2020
  • Music: Country Christian
  • Movies: I like spiritual scary, based on true stories(not documentary) Disney animals omg i love grease and the green mile--
  • Books: bible
  • Children: 2
  • Pets: no
  • Zodiac: taurus
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