Bingo Session 80 Ball
Start Time 02/15/25 14:00:00
Price 200.00
Total Game Sets Unlimited
Sets per Purchase 1 Max Sets per Player 5
Purchase Cards No Total Prize 235,000.00 Total Awarded 235,000.00 Duration 00:55:19
Description You will be given sets of 13 numbers. I will enter all numbers called into spreadsheet until bingo is called. Rounds and amounts TBD. There may be multiple winners if no winner/s we reset to next game. Splits to profiles. No Refunds Good Luck Everyone!!!! - All rounds will be paid at the end of the game
Winner Info
Round 1:
Vernida , catscratchfever , Die-anne , mygirl62 , misstequila1 , misspepsi , sparkle39 , vivien1956 , shazzyshaz , rosewater , fourboyznagirl , Philomena , flowerlady , busywife , denden , DuskTilDawn , ghostofelvis , persad428 , JWinslow , ginger70 , singlemama4u , angela1360 , sarahjaneatkin
Round 2:
Mysteri1948 , suzzzzz , ringOroses , mercades
Round 3:
NYJETS12 , crsby9 , cuddles638343 , nelsonbc , redjen311 , shazzyshaz , wenton
Round 4:
cgreer , maryhussey , misstequila1 , keegan1080 , tiger_kitty , wilda55 , tobbyjoe , tobbyjoe , nelsonbc , shelly131025o8 , Daisyduke52 , kaylasmum , lorireed58 , jo3maxx , mthompson , Taya2013
Round 5:
cgreer , cruisergal , flaviasans , yvonneboelsma , evieleah , electricblue , deamer , money4lori , karin51 , gilljessop3 , styleari , tlasure02 , loverman , loganfost
Round 6:
pcar01 , wilda55 , fawnlake55 , Jocelyn59 , TooCute1972 , froggerbut22 , tescodoll , johnwright1963
Round 7:
Round 8:
misspepsi , loverman , johnwright1963 , singlemama4u , Cittrine
Round 9:
Vernida , buck54 , fourboyznagirl , boots19 , loverman , bheard , manlykelly , valann19576 , GRANNYx5 , Im_A_Gypzy , Cittrine , wenton
Bingo GameIds
Round 1: 23605010
Round 2: 23605032
Round 3: 23605065
Round 4: 23605094
Round 5: 23605125
Round 6: 23605147
Round 7: 23605175
Round 8: 23605206
Round 9: 23605234